Sunday, December 20, 2009
Cold weather is here and the holidays are near.
To see all of our cleaning services visit our web site
Saturday, November 28, 2009
So you thing a pressure washer is safe?
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Cleaning Doctor launches a new cleaning program.
For more information contact us at or by phone at 931-933-5421
Monday, November 9, 2009
Roof Cleaning Agent Dangers
Now for cleaning your roof the dangers are the same only on a much greater scale because of the amount of cleaning solution needed, such as this article about an explosion in Tampa
Tampa Roof Cleaning Explosion
or this one about a pressure cleaner that was injured
Pressure Cleaner Injured In Chemical Explosion
Both of these happened out of careless habits and/or no knowledge of the cleaning agents they were mixing.
Roof Cleaning is a serious business and the risks are real. Not just falling off a ladder but the handling of the cleaning agents can pose a danger if done improperly.
An Alert and concientious roof cleaner is what you need working on your home. An A-R-C-A Certified Roof Cleaner is taught the proper methods of handling and applying the ARMA(Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association) recommended cleaning agents. Rest assured, your A-R-C-A Certified roof Cleaner pays attention to what they are doing.
Copyright 2009 - The Cleaning Doctor - All Rights Reserved -
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Increase The Value of Your Home With Exterior Cleaning
Friday, September 25, 2009
Red Shingle Roof Cleaning and Stain Removal - Clarksville, TN
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Clean Those Roof Stains or Replace the Shingles
Here is an article from the Seattle Times about the price of roofing shingles on the rise.
Click here for more information on Roof Cleaning and Stain Removal for your Tennessee home.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sodium Hydroxide Based Roof Cleaners - Why we don't use them!
Be sure to ask your roof cleaner what the main active ingredient is in their cleaning solution before you hire them.
For more information visit our web site at
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wood Restoration in Adams, TN
Serving Clarksville, TN and all surrounding areas, The Cleaning Doctor has the cure for what ails your exterior wood surfaces. For more information on exterior wood preservation, deck staining and sealing or fence staining and sealing please visit our web site at or call us at 931-933-5421.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Deck Staining and Sealing Clarksville, TN
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Doctor's Challenge - Carnival ride cleaning!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wood Restoration or Preservation
Without the proper protection from the elements your exterior wood will warp, bow, cup, split and just rot. This will result in hundreds if not thousands of dollars in wood replacement. Your deck is an extension of your home and a great place to enjoy and entertain.
Let's look at cleaning methods. You have wood that is greyed or black from mildew and now you want to restore your wood. Some so called professionals use a pressure washer alone to clean this off the wood surface. By itself the pressure washer is not a good choice. Even though you have cleaned the surface, mold and mildew spores remain in the wood fibers and when you apply a sealer over the top of these spores you will have mold or mildew growth under the finish and eventually causing the finish to fail.
Some professionals use bleach. Even some stain manufacturers tell you to use bleach or make a cleaner based on bleach as the main ingredient. This will work and it will kill the mold or mildew but at a price. The wood will end up being lighter than the original wood because it bleaches out the natural color of the wood. This will cause your stain to have a different look than you intended. Bleach is also used in the process of manufacturing paper to help break up the wood fibers. Why would you use this on a deck or fence?
Well what should my wood restoration professional use to clean my deck?
You can use various store bought cleaners but here are some guidelines. For stripping an old finish, the cleaner used should be a sodium hydroxide based cleaner. Fair warning this can cause chemical burns and kill vegetation. If you have wood with no previous sealer then you would use a sodium percarbonate based cleaner which is much easier on the wood. Both of the cleaners need to be followed up with an application of either citric acid or oxalic acid to neutralize the cleaners and restore the natural PH levels of the wood.
Using bleach leaves the PH levels extremely high and thus the wood surface will not accept the stain as readily as it would have normally.
One last thing, for best results let your wood weather for 6 months before applying any stain or sealer. It is not required but you will get better results and the finish will last longer thus saving you money.
Stay tuned for future posts where we discuss our stain choices and why we use them.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Clarksville, TN Window Cleaning

Windows are one of the most valuable parts of every home or business and rightfully so because, with proper care, the longevity of your windows will increase dramatically.
Clean windows will...
1. 'Reduce Energy Costs' - by allowing the R-value of your glass to cool and heat your interior spaces properly.
3. 'Improve Image' - Your home or business deserves a high profile image and that's what you'll receive with my window cleaning services.
4. 'Minimize Embarrassment' - Window glass is the most visible place to see grime and the most difficult to clean. Professionally cleaned windows will minimize the embarrassment when you have guests over so they can enjoy the delicious meal you've prepared instead of dwelling on your dirty windows.
How many times have you gone to a restaurant and noticed greasy food smears across the window glass? Honestly, I immediately exit the restaurant and find another place to eat. I know that if the windows aren't clean then the likely hood of the restaurant being sanitary... Is very unlikely!
Yep... I'm passionate about my work. You could say, I'm Wild About Window Cleaning! And, when you see the results I can provide you, you'll be a believer too!
"The Cleaning Doctor" provides the following services:
Window Cleaning
Screen Cleaning
Glass Restoration
Glass Sealing
Gutter Cleaning
Pressure Washing
Roof Stain Removal
Deck and Fence Restoration
I know you value your property and so do I. I look forward to working with you. Call me today to schedule a 'no obligation' - FREE estimate.
Electronic Service Request
"Pat Motz"
"The Doctor"
"The Cleaning Doctor"
Proudly Serving "Clarksville, TN and Surrounding Areas"
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Shingle Roof Cleaning - Clarksville, TN
Metal Roof Cleaning - Clarksville, TN
Beware of low prices and extremely high ones.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Off the shelf roof cleaning chemicals. Do they WORK?
ARMA recommends the use of Sodium Hypochlorite for the cleaning of your asphalt shingle roof, thus removing the roof stains from your Nashville or Clarksville, Tennessee home. Sodium Hydroxide is a degreaser and very good at that. It is used to clean commercial kitchen hoods. Your shingles are asphalt, a very thick type of grease. What do you think will happen to your shingles? People are trying to get a one size fits all cleaner. Well there is none, at least not yet.
You will find sites that state bleach is bad for your plants and your roof. Do you think they now more than the shingle manufacturers? They are correct about Sodium Hypochlorite being bad for your plants, but there again protective measures can be taken. You put bleach in your washing machine don't you? Read the bottle and see what the active ingredient is, Sodium Hypochlorite. What would you rather have used on your home, a chemical with no warning or smell or one that smells like bleach? Most of the sites that bash the use of bleach/sodium hypochlorite for TN roof stain removal will have a product to sell you.
Why don't they put Sodium Hypochlorite in their roof cleaning chemicals you ask? Short shelf life is the answer. Sodium Hypochlorite degrades quickly so it needs to be used quickly or it looses it's strength. The same reason you need to keep putting chlorine in a pool. Time and the sun cause the chemical to degrade quickly.
Yes we are in the roof cleaning business but if you don't use us to have your roof cleaned at least use a roof cleaner that uses non pressure techniques utilizing the ARMA recommended chemicals.
Call The Cleaning Doctor for your free demonstration and estimate at 931-933-5421.
How is your curb appeal? Does your home exterior need cleaning?
If your roof looks like the one to the right be prepared to receive lower bids. These shingles look like they are going to need replacing soon.
Roof stain removal is possible and inexpensive compared to other home improvement options.
You can lose a buyer before they even pull into the drive way. They may decide to keep on driving and pick another house. Let's say you have the best finished interior home in Clarksville, TN. This will not matter if you can not get buyers in the door. They will drive up and change their minds saying to themselves that the house sure looked better in the photos. Don't let this happen to you. Secondly a home with a clean exterior will bring a higher bid than an identical home next door or down the street.
There are several things that you can do to the exterior of your home to keep the buyers interest. First is well maintained landscaping, trim back or remove those overgrown bushes and for heaven's sake keep the lawn mowed and trimmed. Cheapest thing you can do.
Next you must clean the outside of your home. This includes the roof as that is the largest single expense to replace (unless you have an large expansive deck). It is also the most noticeable. When a husband and wife walk up to a house the wife generally looks at the landscaping first while the husband will look at the roof first.
Then the next item is the gutters, if you have trees growing in the gutters you have just told the potential buyer that I didn't take care of this house. I was so lazy I didn't take the time to clean my gutters or hire someone to clean them. Well maybe you don't have trees growing in your gutter but take a look at the outside. Notice the black streaks? You need to get those off of there but there is a problem, these streaks are the hardest of the items to clean and most times require scrubbing to remove them. From a distance they look ok but up close they are filthy. Want to sell your home faster and for more money? Clean gutters look like new gutters.
Now we get to the siding. On my house the color of the vinyl siding is a yellowish tan color and it does not look bad from a distance but up close it looked terrible. Dusty looking mildew all over it with darker spotting. Well out comes the house wash and now that siding looks like it should. Clean and no mildew.
Probably the most neglected part of a home is the deck and fence because it is in the rear of the home and it has to have constant attention. Depending on the wood and the weather in Clarksville, TN your deck may need attention every year or two. Fences can go longer because (hopefully no one is walking on it) vertical surfaces hold up better because the water drains easily. If you can't afford to have the entire deck finished then at least have that old gray wood brightened. Make the fence and deck look like it was just built.
Doing all the things or at least some of them will greatly increase your chances of selling your home faster. Unless they are bargain shoppers the buyers usually want a house they do not have to put work into right from the start. This is where Great White Technologies comes in, We specialize in the cleaning of the exterior of your home. From roof stain removal to wood restoration and siding/house wash to gutter cleaning.
Make your Clarksville, Tennessee home shine on the outside like a beacon calling the buyers to view the beautiful interior of your home.
Why Clean Your Roof?
The most obvious reason is for curb appeal. Your home is a big investment and you will want to show off that home. You are proud of all your hard work that it took to get that home and if you have the best curb appeal on the block. You can dramatically increase the bid prices if you are attempting to sell your home. The prospective buyer will not think that the roof needs to be replaced. They will think WOW that looks like a new roof and will probably not even ask about the age of the roof.
We all know from our school days that light colors reflect heat and dark colors absorb heat. Well that still holds true. What is the color of the algae growing on your roof? Oh yea, it's black or dark brown and it is absorbing heat. When it does this the temperature in your attic can rise dramatically. As you know proper attic cooling is essential to keeping your home cool. A rise in the attic temperature is going to require that your air conditioning unit run longer and more often to maintain a comfortable temperature. This over use can lead to a premature air conditioning unit failure.
You have a virtual buffet on your roof for these organisms to thrive. The shingles that are produced today have crushed limestone embedded into the asphalt (not the granules you see on top). These shingles hold moisture and organic "bacteria food" material longer than the shingles of 20 years ago. Additionally, these particular algae enjoy the limestone as a food source. Experts within the subject area conclude the bacteria to be harmful, if left untreated, as the growth holds moisture within shingles causing premature aging, rotting, and/or granule loss.
Once the algae/bacteria appear and become noticeable, the problem spreads year after year if left untreated.
For more information visit our Roof Cleaning Nashville web site for information.
Power Washing or Roof Cleaning Chemicals?
These granules are vital to the health of your shingle. It not only provides the coloring of the shingle but prevents the underlying membrane from damage by the elements. Imaging what a flock of birds would do to your unprotected roof!
Keep in mind that even though these chemicals can be dangerous irritants when handled incorrectly, when handled by a professional the risk are much much lower. Let a professional handle the cleaning as they have the proper knowledge, tanks, chemicals, pumps and insurance. This will be the cheapest option in the long run for the home owner.
How do I make my roof last longer?
Now the way to make anything last longer is to implement proper preventive and corrective maintenance procedures. Changing the oil in your car is a preventive maintenance procedure. Getting a tune up could be a corrective maintenance procedure. So it is the same with your home and with the most expensive part of that home, the roof. Proper preventive and corrective measures can increase or at least maintain the lifespan of your roof.
Those black streaks on your roof are often mistaken for mold or fungus but are actually a very hardy algae called Gloeocapsa Magma. The process starts with spores carried by the wind currents being deposited on a roof surface. The algae then attaches itself to your roof and begins feeding. Even though you only have streaks on one side of the house, usually the North side, they are all over the roof surface. They just grow slower on southern facing surfaces. This is why when you have your roof cleaned you need to clean the entire surface.
Without interdiction on your part the algae will eventually start to degrade the integrity of your shingles. About 20 years ago manufacturers started using crushed limestone in the makeup of the shingles and this species of algae actually feed on the limestone. The limestone is a food source allowing the algae to grow unchecked causing the dark streaks that you see.
Take my advice and have your shingles cleaned by a professional. Don't risk your health or worse your life trying to do this on your own, not to mention possible damage to the shingles themselves. Too strong of a chemical mix can do as much damage as pressure washing and too weak is ineffective. With the cost of roof replacement being somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000 to $15,000 it only make sense to keep it in tip top shape. And what about the danger of working on a roof? Wet roofs become slippery and an inexperienced roof cleaner, such as a typical home owner, are taking unnecessary risks. Before you decide to tackle this problem on your own talk to a roof cleaning professional. They will know exactly what it takes to get your roof clean and have the experience to get the job done.
Visit Roof Cleaning of Clarksville and Nashville for more information
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Dangers of Roof Cleaning
Once again thank you and welcome to our site.